DentArana Blog
Ring In The New Year With Better Oral Health at DentArana
Once the wrapping paper has been thrown out and the gifts are put away (or returned!), many Australians turn to the next holiday ritual: Making New Year’s resolutions. And if you are like most of us, you are already considering a few New Year’s resolutions to improve your health and economic standing.
12 Dental Health Tips During The Holidays
The holidays are a time of food, friendship, fun, and gifts. With all this excitement good oral care can be tough.
Treating Gum Disease In Our Office And In Your Home
Gum disease poses a much bigger oral health threat than many people assume. What may begin as mere inflammation or tenderness can escalate to the point that it contributes to bone loss, tooth decay, and general diseases of the body.
5 Tips For A Stress-Free Dental Visit
It’s that time of the year again. You get to meet your dentist for your regular check up where you obediently open your mouth as he prods and pokes around.
Diabetes, Periodontal Health, And You
Studies show that people with diabetes are more likely to develop oral health problems, and people with oral health problems often suffer more from diabetes.
Children’s Week At DentArana
As part of Children’s Week (starting 21–29 October), DentArana wants all Australians to know that if kids have healthy teeth, they have a great chance of having them for life and avoiding dental disease.
4 Surprising Benefits of Brushing and Flossing
Everyone knows that they should brush and floss daily, but not everyone knows exactly how beneficial brushing and flossing are to their dental hygiene and pocketbook!
9 Things You Should Know About Dental Implants
The Dental Implant industry has seen a surge in popularity over the last decade. What used to be deemed as a novelty in the dental health industry now seems like the norm.
How Long Will a Dental Crown Last?
If you need dental crowns, or already have them, you probably share a question with many of our patients, “How long will my crowns last?”
Common Signs You Need to Get Wisdom Teeth Removed
Wisdom teeth are present in 65% of the general population, and of those teeth 85% eventually require extraction. Ouch!